Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cancer update.

Is it back? I don't know. I do know that I now have insurance again, and that means that I went to the hospital last week. They said they weren't sure, but the X-Ray came back clear. They want to see a dermatologist who is more visually adept at picking up spots and what they may be. So, I do that on Tuesday. The more unsettling news is that I have to get a catscan right before that on Tuesday morning also. Why? I'm not totally sure. Looking for things the X ray can't pick up. So, that's neat. They wanted me to get a petscan (what's the diff?) but my insurance wouldn't cover it, and I don't want to pay $4k for it. Screw that. So, I wait all over again.

The spots that are making me nervous are just on my hands. They're small and new, so, it's still early. We'll see what they say. Maybe they're nothing. Just playing it safe.

Here's hoping it all comes back clear. Naturally.

1 comment:

L. Pharmstrong said...

I can help...Livestrong Bro. Courage!