Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today marks the 2nd year.

As of this morning at about 6:30, Margaret and I have been married for two whole years. Time has flown. In these last two short years we've been through a lot. Moved to a new city, a graduation, 2 new school enrollments, a house fire, a marijuana forest, new and lost jobs, new apartments, new friends, life threatening ailments, holidays at the pool, bike rides, dinner parties, therapy...but life goes on.

It certainly hasn't been the easiest two years of my life, but it has been the most fulfilling, and it has held some of the fondest memories I'll take away from this life.

Marriage. We certainly didn't know what we were getting into, and there have been a lot of times when we didn't think it was worth it. Well, so far, it's been worth it.

Margaret, I know you read this, perhaps not often, but you'll see this someday. I love you. Thank you for being there for me when I need you, and still there when I think I don't. I love you and the life that we have together. I am looking forward to the next two years.


Julie said...

Congrats you too! Best wishes for many, many, many more to come!

muyres said...

Its a matter of time...

T.C. said...

here come the water works...

Proud of you two. Keep at it.

Dan Cleary said...

congratulations. only 17 more to catch up with the clearys...