Monday, May 26, 2008

the following week.

Margaret and I took a vacation up to Duluth this weekend. Big Matt and Jake both took home the GC jerseys in their classes. Wish I could have raced. That would have been better. Poor planning on my part. What else is new. Decided I'd rather ride bikes with my wife. The plan was to ride all the way down Edward Munger trail. just under 70 miles each way. Longest paved trail in the country...blah, blah blah. Didn't even see it. Never happened. Not totally surprised, though I was excited as all get-out about it. It was too cold, anyways (in an attempt to look on the bright side). It was fun to walk around and hang out with a few new faces in a (kind of) new city. There were a few piles of suck that I stepped in, though. Felt pretty shitty all weekend. I only wish it wasn't all mental/emotional. A physical sickness would have at least given me a good excuse.

I dropped the ball bigtime on Margarets birthday. Totally forgot until about an hour into the day. My only saving grace at all was that I had a gift coming to her in the mail that day. Good planning, Jason. About time. Yeah, so she had a terrible birthday, and I'm pretty much at fault. Maybe that is why she hasn't said much to me in days. I dunno.

I just went out for a "training" ride. Pushed myself pretty good out to Wayzata Caribou. Tempted myself to go around the lake, but the clouds made me not want to risk getting wet. It was starting to get cold, too. Lot's of big gear tempo/TT-like efforts (or at least what I imagine a TT to be...never done one) and a lot of jumping the hills. Got a plan to go do repeats in St. Paul tomorrow. Though, I guess I should be working more on my sprint if there isn't a road race for weeks, and the state fair series starts soon. That means no hills for quite some time!

I dunno. Time to shower.


Super Rookie said...

Thanks for coming up to Duluth with us all. Hearing the time splits off the back at the crit were fantastic!


tc worley said...

Flowers work like magic, friend. I gayruntee it.

Man screws up, man buys flowers, man is okay again. Seems kinda' story book, I know, but it works.

Hope to see you soon.