Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm back!

Hello. I wonder if anyone missed me. Who knows, I'm not too concerned.

What's new? I'm still working at the Blood Center (which needs donors right now, so please consider giving the gift of life this holiday season).

The biggest news is that Margaret and I kinda separated. It's a really long story and not really internet friendly, but the gist of it is that we're going to attempt living apart and seeing less of each other as a way to reignite the respect and desire we once had for each other. Wish us luck!

I'm a full time American Sign Language Student currently facing the dilemma of where to focus my studies. Learn to interpret or other? Any insight?

I've been taking dance lessons. I feel that if I'm going to try to be a gentleman, I should know how to dance. Seems obvious, right?

I haven't ridden my bike in months, much less trained for anything. I'm happy with that. I had a good time with it, and I'm (at least temporarily) over it. I'm sure I'll be back on it as soon as it gets nice out. I just have other more important things going on in my life to spend the time and money I have spent in the past on racing bikes.

Not much else new. We'll see where this blog re-imagining takes us. Follow it if you care to. It's going to be much more life aware than majority focused on bicycles. I hope to keep it relevant.

Oh, another important thing. Upon last checkup I'm still cancer free. Which is great news. I still haven't gotten the Petscan that oncologist really suggests I get (because Health Partners doesn't think it's essential and therefore won't pay for it) but so far, things are as good as I could hope for them to be. Even went to the dermatologist a few weeks ago and didn't get cut open or stabbed. It was nice.


Jared Roy said...

welcome back

MontyM said...

Glad to have you back

T3 said...

good on the cancer news, dood. saw you at the race today. sorry i was too busy to say "hi"

tc worley said...

yeehaw, yer back!