Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Productive Saturday Morning, and an exciting Sunday in the works.

Today started out at a good rate of progress. I knew that I had a 7 page paper (double spaced-rough draft) due for my English Comp class on Tuesday. As of about 8 am this morning I hadn't put a word to paper, digital or analog. By noon, I'd had written my paper, and I think it's good, too! 11 different sources, a whole slew of statistics. Now I have a solid 3 weeks to rewrite and edit and expand upon information for the Final.

I'll try to post it up here if anyone cares to read it. It's about food insecurity (hunger, almost. Not exactly) in America. If you didn't know, we (as a country) are experiencing the highest rate of food insecurity since the USDA started trying to track it 14 years ago. It's pretty interesting.

So, yeah, if you're interested in reading an argumentative research paper on almost hunger, I'll probably post it tomorrow.

Tomorrow. I'm going to church. Crazy, huh? St. Francis Cabrini. I hear they have an interpreted service and I think it would be good to witness. So, the Holy Day is Holy once again...For the first time in probably 12 years or so...

Then, I'm meeting with an ASL study group at 1 for some good studying time (which will be great. Carol threw a TON of new signs at us on Thursday).

Maybe that's all. Just ASL heavy. That'll be awesome. I tricked you into thinking something actually exciting was happening, didn't I!

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