Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cold snowy mountain ride, and The Fix class...

Saturday was a pretty uneventful day for me. BUT, I did ride to the store, and then later in the afternoon, Margaret asked if I felt like going mountain biking. I gave her a look like, "are you serious?"

we went. It was 14 degrees, and Lebanon had about 3" of snow on the trail. It was super slippery and a little dicey. I had fun. I got very cold. Margaret also got very cold, but I don't think she had fun. We got ONE short lap done. It took about an hour fifteen. SLOWWW! lot's o' hike a bike. Lot's of foot downs. Didn't end up on the ground though. DID have to grab onto a tree, which sent my bike going on down the trail sans rider at one point to avoid falling. Good times it was.

Then today, I had plans of doing my 30 minute TT effort to determine threshold wattage after class, BUT, mountain biking yesterday, and the efforts of the class today left me pretty worked. I'm not sure where it is exactly, but I'd say that 315 watts is over my lactic threshold. We'll see. Finding out tuesday. We rescheduled it for then. But I do know that I can sustain 350 watts for 1 minute @120rpm. I don't know if I will disclose full results as openly as on this blog. Gotta keep all those other cat 4's on their toes in about 5 months! Cat 3's watch out!

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