Friday, December 26, 2008

training more.

Didn't really feel like getting on the trainer...Waited until last minute, pretty much. Then, when I got on the trainer, I wanted nothing more than to get off of it.

But, I did it. 17 miler on computrainer.

12/25/06 finished in 47:06 avg 244 watts 91 avg rpm
12/23/07 finished in 46:59 avg 245 watts 100 avg rpm
12/26/07 thought I could do better. finished in 45:25 avg 256 watts 90 rpm
today. 12/26/08 one year later. finished in 45:00 avg 269 watts 92 rpm.

Seems like I keep getting better. I'll take it. Most I had on me was 800 something feet. Least I had on me was -100' or so. Usually between 100 and 400'. Enough. Didn't kill myself. Lowest peak watts out of all of them. (528 vs 576 rd 1 and 619 rd 2 and 575 rd 3).

Works for me. Notes improvement.


Dan Cleary said...

those are some nice watts. you're certainly doing well.

keep it up but don't over do it. you don't want to be on top form for ken woods and in zero form for summer races.

Jason said...

funny you should mention that...I've already said too much.

MontyM said...

and think how much better you would have done if you would have been on your own bike...