Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So far so good.

Aside from Mondays Mishap (Margaret took both our keys to work with her, so I couldn't leave the house for too long-couldn't lock the door) where I couldn't ride, So far I've been going as planned. Monday I ran for a few miles instead. yesterday I took it easy and rode to school and work. Then I got home and ran some more. (when I say "ran" I pretty much mean "jogged for 2 miles")Today I had to bring Margaret her phone at school, because she forgot it, but then I rode over to my favorite intersection (Ramsey/Grand/Irvine and did some hill repeats. Twice each up Irvine and Grand, and thrice up Ramsey. Then I got SOAKED on the ride home, but that's ok. It wasn't ridiculously cold.

So far, So good. Jut gotta keep it up! "rest" tomorrow and then a long day friday!

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