Saturday, July 12, 2008

Community Service Announcement.

Hello. I have an idea. It's a very easy one.

We all play in the sun a lot. Training, racing, picnics, water slides. Whatever your activities include, chances are they include the sun. The sun is our enemy. Sure, it makes our environment hospitable, and allows the plants that feed us oxygen to grow, and do all sorts of other wonderful things as well. But, the fact of the matter is this: The sun is trying to ruin our lives.

It hides far away when we need it the most during the winter, making us seek shelter indoors and occupy ourselves with lame board games and puzzles. It gets too close during the summer when we want to be outside and enjoying the beautiful days and makes us uncomfortably warm and sweaty, requiring us to destroy our planet by taking multiple showers a day, on occasion. It hides behind clouds when it's raining and won't come out to warm us. Sometimes, when it's very warm, it will let it's friend "Wind" come out and play, and that feels great, until we try to ride our bikes, and then it reveals its turncoat nature and tries to put our legs through the wringer. Even when everything goes our way, and it's not too hot or too cold to be outside, it tries to kill us with its UV rays. These are the most dangerous of Sun.'s superpowers. We think it's nice out, but little do we know that the sun is killing us from the inside out when we least expect it.

Try to stay out of the sun. Or, when you are forced to be outside battling the Sun's oppressive nature, bring your weapons. Bring clothing. Bring umbrellas. Bring the most powerful of the Suns enemies, Sunscreen. This one comes in all sorts of varieties. Choose wisely. Your future and the success of your mission count on it. My pasty white-ginger-ness require me to wield the mightiest of the anti-sun shields. The SPF 45. Sun hates this. All of it's efforts to destroy are thwarted with the minute effort of taking some time to apply this shield to areas that Sun could contact. SPF 45 renders all of Suns attacks useless (but only for an undetermined period of time. Be wise. Apply often.)

That got out of hand. Be wise. Apply sunscreen. Don't be stupid. Don't let the Sun kill you. It's easy. If you're suseptible to the sun's attacks, stay out of it, or render it safe(r) with sunscreen. Don't get cancer. It probably sucks.

We're all in the sun a lot. Don't let it kill you.


MontyM said...

I'm with you all the way with sun screen. It so so easy to do and takes so little time. Use sunscreen!

BTW: The sun is actually closer to us in the winter (for the northern hemisphere). The seasons are caused my the tilt of the Earth's axis. About 23.5 degs.

MontyM said...

I forgot to paste the link

Anonymous said...

The Sun and my BFF, Snow, have been battling for quite some time.

xc-skiers have a spring-time saying:
"F! the sun!"