Friday, July 4, 2008

Curse of the Salsa.

So, I have decided that my Salsa is cursed. Too many problems since I've gotten it. Or maybe it just seems like a lot.

Since August '07 (including a winter where it didn't get ridden much) I have:

Flatted at Ken Woods.

Pinch flatted (almost. finished race w/ enough psi to not walk) at Square Lake

Temporarily broke my derailleur before Richmond Roller

Got the stand that was holding my bike blown over by the wind the day before the Horribly Hilly Hundred, mangling my derailleur hanger with no replacement for about 300 miles.

Broke my chain last tuesday on a ride with Mario. Thanks to Andrew (Cat 6) for carrying a chain tool and saving my ass.

I don't know. I'm probably forgetting stuff, but that's all I got right now. Oh yeah, the big one.

Getting a bunch of my spokes broken when some dude put his pedal into my wheel..That was the other one.

But it's ok. High Five Bicycles is saving the day with good ju-ju's. I got the rest of my first shipment yesterday, and that means a new frameset for me! good news. You'll see it soon.

1 comment:

tc worley said...

can we get at least temporary photos of the new ride?