Monday, July 14, 2008

Logo Needed.

High Five Bicycles is in need of a logo. I am NOT the artisty type. Never have been. I have no idea how to design a logo. Do you? If so, try it! Seriously. People, I need the help. Design a suitable logo, and I'm using it. Putting it on a site and on bikes. Wouldn't you like to see that?

Brand Identity. I don't have one. The goal is affordable racing frames. Not everyone WANTS to race $4,000 bikes in crits. Hell, I don't know that I'd ever race on a bike I spent that much on. I'd rather race something reliable, good looking, with racin' geometry (long and low) and stiff as hell. I know that not everyone wants a frame like that. The people that don't aren't the people that I'm trying to impress.

I need a logo that says "hurt me". Something with a bit of class, but more power. Isaac 's are classy as hell. Don't really inspire me to try to hurt them. I don't know. If I did, I wouldn't need your help. But I do. So give it a shot. It can't hurt.

I'm a fan of the lower case cursive on the down and seat tubes, but play with that as you must. Do what you gotta do.

I'd appreciate it. Maybe there'll be a damn good deal on a frameset for you.



Krispy said...

Hello sir,

I believe I might be able to help you out. My email address is Shoot me a letter if you still need the help.

Aaron Smith

Zachamon said...

My name is Zach. I also ride bikes. I design logos. Here is my email:

jasonludtke said...

I have started designing logo-textish stuff for shawn and RUCKUS!
I know I said I'd get something together before and I didn't but this time I will, I swear!