Sunday, July 27, 2008

A busy week.

Well. It turns out that on Thursday, I didn't really have anything scheduled. I went into the doctor, they told me some things and checked me out. Told me I'd have to come back for more tests. I told them I didn't want fancy (expensive) tests, so he told me that I'd need a chest x-ray and a blood test. Got those done that night, Going in for legitimate surgery on the 8th. Getting about a 1" x 4" chunk of my shoulder removed down the layer before the muscle. That won't be fun. Then, they're going to biopsy some lymph nodes. More fun.

Friday night went and talked shit on the "too cool for school" fixie kids. I can very easily see why I left/never really got into that scene. Beer is not cool. Neither are tricks. Neither is taking up all 3 lanes of Washington and running every light when the cops are following. Stayed til Match Sprints (on my road bike) got a bye through the first round, and got slaughtered in the second because clipping in is hard sometimes.

Did the All-City yesterday. Got 4th. Definitely feel like I could have won it. IF I knew where the Bedlam was exactly. That sucked. 2.5 minutes off the winner. I rode real slow down Franklin, trying to keep Landin in play. It was fun, we rode well. He just didn't have the legs. But, we had to have finished one and two in the disabled/near terminal disease class.

Todays Crit didn't help the situation. Felt shitty during warm up. Snapped out of it during race, as usual. Felt really great, kept everyone in check, took a few pulls to check everyone else out. Felt like I was cornering pretty well, and was able to match any surges. Took some of the 180's super hot. 2 laps to go Adam is on the front (and I knew he was going to be strong.) I take third wheel and come around them into the 180. I take it SUPER hot trying to get a gap with him, because if we get a gap with one and a half to go, we're not coming back. I knew Mario was around, too. I got a good line and leaned my bike as far as I could. That part worked. I just started pedaling about a foot too early. Caught a pedal HARD. Sent me RIGHT to the ground. Adam ended up on the curb. No one hit me, and no one else hit the ground, but it sucked, and now I'm sore.

Glad Adam went on to win. That almost makes it worth it. I wish I could have ended my season on a better note. Oh well. Racing is the third most dramatic thing in my life right now, and they all suck.

MAN, this year HAS NOT gone my way at all. I'm ready to give up. Is it 2009 yet?


SickBoy said...

jason... email me.

Jason said...

I would, but I have no idea who you are.

let me know and I'll get on that.

SickBoy said...

can't you see my email address through this? LOL...

andrew dot kruse at gmail