Saturday, August 23, 2008

All Clear!

Node came back negative!

That means I'm a cancer survivor. Wasn't fun, but wasn't too hard. Take that cancer!

SO...That's it. Keep my ass out of the sun and I'll continue to be good to go.

Good news for me. Happy about that!

That's all I got. I wish my wife was here to enjoy this/celebrate this with me.

that, and an iced coffee (with vanilla soymilk and maple syrup).

I'll take it!

stupid cancer.

So, I should give HCMC and Dr. Jerains some credit. He called me on his day off, from his cell phone, and left me his cell # in case I had questions. And he's got an adorable semi-lisp. Ladies (and confused dudes) beware!

and Derek hooked it up with some awesome iced coffee thing! NO idea what it is, but it's awesome!


Chris said...

that's fantastic man. so glad to hear. my dad had colon cancer that was caught early. I can't imagine what the wait must have been like.

(dis)pencer said...

that's rad!


p.s. re: iced coffee; next time you are at the seward cafe order the V.C.C.P., you will like it.

Super Rookie said...

fuck yeah.

This reminds me of the ending of Rambo III.

Jason said...

spencer. I did. yesterday. which is why I am hung up on it.

Lunatic Biker said...

I'm very happy for you. See you at cross.

Christopher Smith said...

damn good news!

Meow said...


T3 said...

fantastic news