Wednesday, October 15, 2008

debate thoughts...

Well, the best quote of the evening, as far as I'm concerned, goes to Moderator Bob (Schieffer- journalist).

He is wise enough to inform us that "we import 60% of our foreign oil."...Something tells me that isn't quite the whole truth...He was making a point about how in Reagan's day, we imported something like 13% of our oil, and that every president since Reagan (Reagan included) said that we need to reduce that dependency.

That made me happy, so Moderator Bob gets the "DERP" from me...But don't worry...Obama gets one, too...

he said that "we need to enforce unfair trade policies."...It's true...He said it. I think he was thrown off by McCains use of the word "cockamamie" though...( I didn't know how to spell that, thank god for the squiggly lines that tell me I did something wrong...)

All in all I'm glad I watched it. Although I wish Obama had not even dignified the question of "Why is Biden more capable a president than know...if something were to...uhhh...happen..."

I pretty much think that Obama spent too much time on that answer, when a simple "Seriously? Are you serious? Did you just ask that?" would have sufficed.

Yay. Politics are fun!

1 comment:

jasonludtke said...

I enjoyed how obama referred to pre-marital sex as "cavalier activity", and his ability, by just sitting and cooly answering questions in his usual manner, to make McCain look like the most uncomfortable old man in America.
And the VP question, oh my, I think just the question itself did more harm than good for McCain for sure.