Thursday, October 23, 2008

I agree with the Italians, and not just because my Grandpas last name was Bonnini.

Today ( I think) the ACCPI (what that stands for I do not know...Something Italian Professional Sporting Folk or some such business) wrote to Pat McQuaid saying that the Italian committee calls for LIFETIME BANS of all riders tested positive for the dopes.

Now that is some Italian I can stand behind!

Let's do it! I guess all it took was The Cricket to retire. He was really standing in the way. Not to say that he was doped up, because I really have to believe that anyone would know better....Obviously not the case judging by the months after this years tour.

I agree. But not only lifetime bans to cyclists, but you have to hit it in the Sponsors pocket as well. That would go a long way in either alienating potential sponsors (or, more likely) more cycling-interested sponsors that really want to clean up the sport, and are willing to take a risk to see it get there.

Only time would tell. Either way. I'm sure nothing will happen.

On the other hand...People make mistakes. I know that. Everyone does. It's a very touchy situation. Is it fair to ruin a riders livelihood because he or she did what they felt necessary to compete at that level? Who's to say? The Italians? Me? The UCI?

I can't be certain...


bloodline said...

can or should we treat cyclists caught on the dope like alcoholics or drug addicts? or is a punitive thing like DWI, suspend your license, i think cycling controls are better than the enforcemnet at the DMV

Jason said...

this is true business...but as one of those straightedge kids, i think a dwi should be worth a license lost.

hurt someone with your car while you're under an influence and you go away for a very very very long time...

jasonludtke said...

I agree with the liscene lost, and Im not a straightedge kid. Its completely irresponsible to drive while drunk and not matter how drunk one gets, and no matter what they argue, you still have the ability to make even the most decisions.
I think riders should get lifetime bans for doping or using drugs that can even be considered to be performace enchancing. Obviously at their level they and their coaches, sponsors, etc. know what is legit and not.
level the playing field?
In a perfect world, with everyone off drugs, wouldn't that be enough?
eh, Im ranting and raving. I could go on more but this is just a response page and I gotta go race!