Monday, October 6, 2008

something resembling a training routine has formed...

saturday - race
sunday - race
monday - 3 or 4 laps at wirth. some recoverin' some hot laps
tuesday - team cross practice. mostly barriers and starts
wednesday - hard grass ride. hour and a half or two. Powerfest?

Thurdsay and Friday are pretty much off days, but I want to change that to friday being a recovery ride/one (just one. no sets) HARD interval day.

we'll see if I can do it. Today was 4 laps, and half a short loop. Getting better at turning, but not as good as the mountain bikers out there. I know where my weak spots are, and I'm working on them, though. Fell off my bike today. Just like Margaret did in practice a few weeks ago. Just moving not the right speed, and landing off the back of the saddle and on the tire. I was almost stopped, so i didn't get hurt, just fell over...Smooth.

Back is still sore as hell. Might have to get myself addicted to Motrin or something...

YEAH! bikes!

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