Sunday, October 5, 2008


Let me start by saying that i consider today a victory. I didn't win the race, BUT, I did succeed in NOT blowing anything on my bike up. I started on my bike. I ended on my bike, and I didn't even end up on the ground. THAT, my friends is a win.

I knew the pouring rain and tough singletrack section would make it a race that doesn't suit me. It didn't. Got SUPER muddy again this year. Worse than last. So that sucked, although it was crazy fun. An easy 100' sand trap beach run through with a barrier at the end made life pretty much suck. I was able to move up in it, though. A lot of tight muddy (deep) corners, a few beach crossings, and that was enough to make me loose ground. That's ok. I beat most of the people I wanted to beat, and even walked away with some prizes again today (tire levers and some pedros lube)! I didn't even get first mustache, though...Boo on that. Anyhow, after yesterdays loose corner fest, I just gave it all I could. I could feel my legs were heavy after the race and ride home yesterday, but my back didn't hurt nearly as bad. Which was awesome.

I finished 7th overall and 5th in the 3's. Not too bad. Teammate Jake won the 3's. 2nd overall. Rich kept me honest all day again today.

In the Ladies 4 race, It wasn't super contested. Mary (from Time...employment, not factory team...) kept the first lap or so interesting, and then Margaret pretty much just rode away from her. And the rest of the Ladies in the race. Won by a pretty good margin. I'm super happy for her and proud of her. Her bike did well in todays slop, it'll be good for just about anything. She's a trooper. But now she's a 3. It'll be fun. She'll do great. As long as she does it with a smile. I'm not worried.

LG and Spencer get my bad luck award for shitty days. Spencer messed up his rear brake trying to slow down, and then broke his derailleur hanger on the last lap. LG flatted a tubie, also on the last lap...I thought Jake was going to die in the A's, but he kept it together and finished. Proud of him for that.

And watching Bjorn light it up was awesome, as always!